Thursday, April 9, 2009

REALLY? That's Impressive!

Henry isn't really throwing up here, but he could be.

"Really? That's impressive" said Louise in response to my sharing that the last time I threw up was 7 years ago.

She stopped in to my workplace and was helping me convert Word files into Excel- something I didn't even know was possible. I was recounting the last few day's horrors. She wanted to know if the doctor had prescribed anything for the pain.

"Yeah, vicodin, but the label didn't mention anything about taking it with food," I replied. I took it as prescribed through the previous evening and night. I took one on awakening and then went for my morning walk. I arrived back home and immediately tossed my cookies.

I hate throwing up so much that I can remember the exact time I last did it- It would have been August of 2002. I would almost rather die than throw up.

Thank goodness I have a cast iron stomach- most of the time.


JAF said...

I have been a bad friend. If you are taking vicodin, you need my guidance. I will call you tomorrow. Also, do you do accupuncture? I think you could use it and if your insurance doesn't cover it, I have someone else to send you to.

SMC said...

JAF- don't worry about it. I stopped taking it immediately. I am still sore but nothing a big girl can't handle.

Mim said...

Well hell, if you are open to acupuncture, I could give you reiki....

LYC said...

Most of all I was impressed with the fact that you remembered the last time so me it's just occasional spitting up that happens to the best of us...if none of the above remedies work I can at least give you sympathy...