Saturday, May 10, 2008

A Day In The Life of My Garden May 10, 2008

Things have really started leaping, jumping, climbing, growing. While it doesn't really look like it from these photos.....just compare it "A Day In The Life" of a week ago. There is a little more color and some distinct roundy moundy green or yellow forms. This shows our horse barn come garage and the Casino - the old rec hall for the Inn across the street. The properties got separated by a bankruptcy back in the late 60's.

This is my main garden looking towards the river. I LOVE that blue spruce. Still looking a little barren.... but wait a few more weeks. As early as it is I still had to mercilessly squish with my bare hands a few lily beetles. They are the devil incarnate.
This a beautiful garden orb by NH potter Jane Kaufmann. Her quirky drawing style adds wit and whimsy to any garden....... even us serious gardeners. I think it looks so perfect nestled into the purple ajuga..... and such a charming backdrop of concrete foundation! (not)

Henry modeling next to some of the ubiquitous peony rings used to prop up everything from catmint and veronica to well, peonies.

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