Sunday, May 31, 2009

Day in the Life of My Garden- May 30, 2009

I had to work all weekend but was able to find a few hours before dinner on Saturday to get out and feel the sunshine- finally.

Here is one of the new bird boxes built & installed by the boyfriend. The swifts & bluebirds have been duking it out for residency in this site. It isn't quite as tony an address as the one which overlooks his garden (good eatin'!) but it offers more privacy as it is removed from the major thoroughfares.

I have been haphazardly doing the edging on all of the beds, which means that whichever garden line irritates me the most gets edged. For me this is a very satisfying chore. It restores order, creates a clear division between lawn and is hard physical labor to help burn off a day's frustrations.

This is my Silver Brocade Artemsia. I thought I had lost it, but it just turns out to be a slow starter like the hostas. I did lose a lot of plants to the harsh winds of winter- some euphorbias, some new violets, the little sedum cauticolium, and some adorable little sedum that looked like bread mold. I purchased most of these plants this past year. I guess I need to cross them off my list. But I also lost an aster (what is hardier than a New England Aster?) and one of three of my new Black Lace Elderberry which is suppose to be safe to Zone 4.

Enough of the whining... One of my favorite sights is the new growth on my Blue Spruce. It is so .... blue! And the way it sheds its little covers like a snake is just too cute. I like to pick them off to uncover the soft little budlets ..... like I don't have more pressing things to do. I suppose once in a while we just need to indulge our indolence.


LYC said...

My (tiny) Blue Spruces are doing the same as yours!

Michael Hawes said...

Your lawn and gardens are beautiful.