Sunday, March 8, 2009

Talking Dirty...

There is some dirt visible outside of a few of my windows. There are still large snowbanks and most of the yard is either covered in snow or knee-deep in water, but this dirt signals spring... and more importantly- gardening!

Every fall I think I have gotten my fill of gardening chores. But the (relatively) warm winds and birds screaming about their need to procreate make me long to get my hands into the dirt.

Soon this blog will return to its original focus of gardening... until I get my fill again.

God, I love talking dirty!


JAF said...

okay, so, will you tell me what to start doing right now? far as gardening?

SMC said...

JAF- As far as gardening goes right now..... this time is relegated to looking at catalogues and dreaming. To actually walk around in your garden would compact the soil because it is so wet and delicate.

LYC said...

I've had dirt on my mind for at least a month now and I'm not a bit ashamed.

Mim said...

So do i feell another garden commando day in the not so distant future/?